Ability Now Bay Area received a substantial grant from the Department of Developmental Services to spear-head and implement Person-Centered Thinking training. Person-centered thinking is a philosophy behind service provision that supports positive control and self-direction of people’s own lives. This model asks individuals with disabilities “what’s important TO you” vs. what has typically been discussed in meetings as “what’s important FOR an individual”?
Being person centered means treating others with dignity and respect and empowering them to set and reach their own personal goals. A person-centered approach recognizes the right of individuals to make informed choices, and take responsibility for those choices and related risks. It builds on the strengths, gifts, talents, skills, and contributions of the individual and those who know and care about the individual.
Ability Now is in the process of training four staff members to become trainers themselves and expects the tutelage to take a full year. When the training is complete, every staff member at Ability Now will be trained in the philosophy of person centered thinking and it will be applied in all of the organization’s programs and services.
Ability Now has always been progressive and person-centered, and our intake has always endorsed personal choice. However, this is huge shift for the disability community and we are honored to be part of this movement.